Vitamin C Facial
Harness the power of vitamin C to make your skin shine.
World-Class Service
You can travel the world from Bangkok to Zimbabwe from the age of 2 to 92 and never find anything approaching the level of service we provide as a matter of course.jkldfgjsdčlfkgjsdčlkgjčsdlfkgjsdčflfjkgčsdklfg
Luxury Facilities
Po tretmaju pri nas se zdravljenje še nadaljuje v naslednjih dneh. Naše telo je zelo zmogljivo in nam omogoča samozdravljenje. Pri nas vam bomo podali osnovne nasvete, ki vam pomagajo pri boljšem počutju in večji energiji. Naše zdravje je naš temepelj in zato mislimo, da je pomembno, da ponudimo svojemu telesu najboljše, kot lahko v danih okoliščinah. (Nekaj minut za svoj zdravje…..Vsak izmed nas nekaj časa v dnevu nameni zase.)Pri večjih težavah ali poškodbah prosimo, da obiščete zdravnika. Masaža je preventiva in ne
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Hot Stone Massage
We heat our hand-mined onyx stones to 420 degrees.
Deep Tissue Massage
How deep is our massage? As deep as your tissues can take.
Cutting-Edge Treatment
We don't restrict you to the classics. Under our roof, Swedish massage cohabitates quite comfortably with everything from reiki energy work to chakra balancing.
Appointments please call: +386-(0)31-656345
Reacquaint yourself with an old friend or discover a new favorite with our array of featured services administered by our expert (licensed & bonded) staff.
Relax. Rejuvinate.
Get a 90-minutes treatment
for as low as 65 €